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Excellence and care in every one of our products

We take on our work responsibly and whole heartedly. The products and services of Odeja are a result of many years of experience, an engineering approach to details and respect to well being of every single user of our products. Our mission is to provide people with healthy sleep, energy recovery and the aesthetics of a beautiful home.

Communication, based on sincerity and trust

The foundations of our communication with clients, partners and suppliers is credibility. We respect the right of users of our products to know, what the products are made of, who made them and how. We share our knowledge with partners, acting mainly as advisors to our clients and living up to our promises that all our products are top of the line and reliable. All these are reasons, why our clients return to us and our partners remain loyal.

Steady development, based on experience and positive energy

We know how to meet considerably varied expectations of our clients and cooperate closely with our partners in the development of products. As we design our own products at Odeja, our work is always intense, creative and positive. We believe that a joy for work and engineering precision are reflected in every one of our products.

Responsible selection of materials and superior production

We use materials from select and well known suppliers for the manufacture of Odeja products. We use materials, which are environment friendly and people friendly. We are known for our precise, high quality and cost efficient manufacture, which is a result of constant investment into development, research of new technologies and cooperation with clients. Loyal customers, referential partners, certificates and many awards are a testimony to this.


Varied and top of the line product range

Our product and service range, both for the end user and for the business market, is very wide and varied. Experience and high education levels of the personnel in charge of developing products, as well as our own manufacture, enable adaptability in the choice of materials, means of implementation, price and quantity of the products, without a loss of quality in the end products.

Creative and dedicated personnel

All employees of Odeja are characterised by the awareness, that every one of them contributes to the reputation of the Odeja brand with their knowledge and diligence. A sense of connection, mutual respect, innovation encouragement, dedication to work and trust in our knowledge are all characteristics of the Odeja team and are reflected in the top quality of all our products.

Sewn in magic

Odeja principles are sewn into everything we create. Users of Odeja products can feel them as a positive energy, bringing you healthy sleep and a lovely, orderly home.